Davis James

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Maggie Olivia

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Brooks Jackson

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas with the Davis Family

We stopped at Uncle Mark's on the way to Nana and Gddady's and got to see lots of extended family. We drove through some snow, but made it safely! We enjoyed being in Charleston with our grandparents, and aunts and uncles. (It seems Maggie must have been sitting still more than Davis this neck of the trip, since she is in a lot more picts!)

Maggie loved having another baby to hold--Harper!

Everyone wanting to check out Harper. We love babies!

Mags with Aunt Elle and Aunt Kat

Maggie was excited Aunt Doo brought Moonpie to Christmas.

Davis showing Uncle Mark his new Buzz

The Davis clan at Christmas

Sitting with Gdaddy at Christmas breakfast

Mom, Uncle Will, and Aunt Elle with Gdaddy celebrating his 60th bday!

With Nana and Gdaddy in the middle of gift opening!

Maggie enjoying Uncle Will

We went to see the Polar Express at the IMAX and LOVED it. Fortunately, there weren't many people there since Davis was reciting some of the lines. Carter met us there, too! (Aunt Kat bought us  these jackets last year :))

Maggie and Aunt Elle with our cool IMAX glasses

Davis and Maggie at our visit with Granny

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas with the Rogers Family

We had a ball at Grammy and PaPaw's and seeing all our cousins and aunts and uncles, too! We both really got into Christmas this year and all leading up to it, which was super fun for Mom and Dad.

PaPaw and Grammy with all the grandkids on Christmas Eve at Melanie's house

Maggie and Avery


Dad playing with all the cousins! My dad is so much fun!

Loving my new baby "Anna" and thanking PaPaw for her

Sprinkling reindeer food on the lawn

Christmas morning--checking out what Santa gave us!

Showing Dad Buzz. This was what Davis talked about for weeks that he wanted Santa to bring.

Maggie feeding her baby the baby bottle Santa brought her. Maggie's babies are hungry, so she feeds them all the time. :)

The four of us at Gigi's house on Christmas day

Maggie so excited to be holding her cousin Charlotte

Sunday, December 19, 2010

More Christmas Fun

Celebrating our family Christmas a week early at home.

Let the gift opening begin!

Maggie loving her and her baby's matching hats that Davis gave her.

Davis excited about his workbench.

Aunt Kiki came to visit and we loved it! We had some of our friends over to make gingerbread houses when she was here.

Mom and Davis with his house!

Maggie and Aunt Kiki with her house.

We went on a little train ride---Davis loved it since he is very into Polar Express this year.

Visiting with Santa

Grammy and PaPaw pulled some strings to get the big man to come visit the grandkids at their house. Davis ate it up. Maggie took a bit to warm up to him. It was lots of fun!

Davis and Avery giving Santa a big welcome hug.

Davis didn't waste any time letting Santa know that he wanted Buzz Lightyear for Christmas!

Maggie and Mom watching the action

Maggie warming up to Santa, with Davis's help

All the Rogers clan

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Trip to the Zoo!

We drove to Columbia for the day to enjoy the Riverbanks Zoo and spend some time with Nana, Gdaddy, and Aunt Kay. We got to check out the animals in the morning, nap at Aunt Kay's, and go back and see the lights at night.

It as awesome that there were very few people at the zoo and we got to have freedom to walk around on our own some.

We loved all the attention from Nana and Gdaddy.

Riding on a baby elephant.

Davis and Nana feeding the giraffe.

Maggie still loved the merry go round.

Having fun with Aunt Kay at the zoo!

Davis and Maggie with some of the lights.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Enjoying Christmastime!

Decorating our tree with lots of fun ornaments! Maggie carries her angel ornament around and doesn't want it to hang on the tree. She loves to check all the ornaments out and dedecorate.

Davis was so excited to decorate the tree, but found a few ornaments he was more interested in playing with--like the train, truck, helicopter, etc.

Chuck thinking he is a lapdog!

Decorating a tree outside with some stars we painted.

Having a little birthday party for Jesus! We figured it was a more fun way to eat a brownie!

Maggie LOVED painting wrapping paper. She would paint and color all day if we could trust her to keep it on the paper!

Maggie's winter hairstyle!

Baking some Christmas cookies.

Davis wanted to taste the dough long before it was dough.

In our flannel pjs under the tree. We love Nana and Gdaddy getting us Christmas pjs.