Davis James

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Maggie Olivia

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Brooks Jackson

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pumpkin Patch and Farm Fun

We went to Washington Farms to pick out some pumpkins to paint and do lots of fun farm activities. Thanks for the Halloween shirts, Nana and Gdaddy.
Mom and Brooks on the hayride
This one looks good...

Found one!

Who's bigger? Little ones and pumpkins are the cutest!

Love his sweet profile

Riding in the wheelbarrow

Dad and Mags in a huge rocking chair.

Holding a baby chick. Such an animal lover!

We did lots of fun activities. We loved using the lasso with the bulls

Grammy and PaPaw met us at the Pumpkin Patch and jumped with us on this huge pillow.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Camping Out

We camped out in the backyard over the weekend and the kids loved it. Davis in particular was a big fan--helping dad set up the tent, getting the fire started, guessing the animal sounds. Maggie was more excited about the s'mores than anything! Dad slept out with them one night and Mom the next. We decided we all didn't want to wake up with Brooks at 6 am, so he stayed inside this time. :) Tim hopes to find a weekend to take Davis on another camping adventure soon.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Brooks's Birthday Party

Brooks's Birthday Party was a zoo theme. Our family loves our trips to the Riverbanks Zoo and is a big fan of animals, so we thought it was appropriate. We had fun!

Mom, Dad, and the Birthday Boy

The whole fam. Davis and Maggie called Brooks "the birthday boy" for about 5 days! It was awesome.

The cake, but B got a lion cupcake. Love some Little People animals!  :)

Friends made zoo animal masks! We made B a tiger, but he kept taking it off. Maggie made an elephant. Can you tell she's smiling? 

I'm ready, Mom!

I love everyone singing to me!

I get to eat this whole cupcake?

Who's smile is bigger? Mags or Aunt Elle?

Dad busted out our slip n slide one last time post party with our cousins. This hill is perfect for slip n sliding

Friday, September 21, 2012

Brooks is One!

Our Summer was awesome! It would be described as fun filled and exciting, but not necessarily relaxing. Relaxing is not really part of your vocabulary when you have 3 active kiddos under the age of 5. :) One day, I hope to catch you up on our visits to the beach, the lake, times with grandparents, and general adventures at home that we had this summer. However, that is too daunting to me at the moment, so I am going to start with Brooks turning one.

I hate that he is changing into this adorable little guy with a ton of personality and so many of you haven't seen a pict of him in 6 mos. Sorry! Here are some shots we had someone do for us. Yes, he is walking, and climbing, on everything! One of his favorites is to stand up on the chairs that Davis and Maggie use for craft time in the play room. He claps his hands and chooses to do it when I am trying to prep dinner and wishing he would play with his blocks for a few minutes--on the ground. Wishful thinking! :) He is all boy, smiles a ton, gives awesome hugs, has goose eggs on his forehead often (but fortunately has his dad's pain tolerance), thinks he is such a big kid when mom sees him coloring and playing with friends at preschool, will play with Davis and Maggie as long as they will let him (which is usually a good amount of time), keeps us on top of sweeping and vacuuming or he will do it :), loves singing and being silly, loves playing with Davis's Cars, and loves his giraffe nite nite. The list could go on. It still amazes me how your heart grows each time you have another child and you have just as much love for them as you do for your other children. It's pretty cool. God knows what he's doing, I guess!

Brooks is one! Could eat him up!

He's gotten 6 teeth (already had 2) since school started in August!

Monday, April 30, 2012


These are some pictures I finally uploaded from my iPhone. We love being able to send pictures to each other and grandparents. One of my fave features of this new phone. Now if I can consistently upload them to my computer.




April 2012

We stopped to visit Grandmomma on our way to Charleston in April. Maggie and Grandmomma looking at some photos.

Maggie and Brooks

Enjoying some Gdaddy

We went to a FamJam festival and the kids did some yoga.

Davis and Dad doing a sack race.  D got his face painted, he doesn't have a black eye!

Brooks with Nana and Gdaddy

Davis and Maggie ready to get on a stagecoach to go to a friend's birthday party, Western style!

Mom and the boys went to Date Knight at ChickfiilA. We already love ChickfilA, but the event was over the top and we had a blast!          

Maggie and Dad had a date night too. Of course Maggie picked out a dress to wear and made sure Dad's shirt coordinated!
They had knights that talked to us!
We got to fight the knights! They made us balloon swords to take home and knight shields to color.
We even got to pet a horse and go home with coupons! D was excited he had his tunic from Mags birthday party. Our friends we met there wore theirs, too.